Barclays opening and closing times in South Petherwin

The branch details for Barclays, South Petherwin generated by users like yourself can be viewed below. Need to do some banking with Barclays? This store is open on 5 days per week. Banking facilities vary per Barclays branch, please contact Barclays before your visit if you need assistance.

Barclays South Petherwin is CLOSED Closed at 4:30 pm

These details may not be completely accurate. The information is gathered from users like yourself. Spotted a mistake in the data? Let us know so we can update this listing. Submit a change.

Locate South Petherwin Barclays

To locate Barclays in South Petherwin the postcode is PL15 9DP, full address is shown to the right.

Contact Information Barclays

Store Opening Times

Monday 9:30 am 4:30 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am 4:30 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am 4:30 pm
Thursday 9:30 am 4:30 pm
Friday 9:30 am 4:30 pm
Saturday Closed all day
Sunday Closed all day

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Contact Telephone Number

Branch Location

1 Southgate Street
South Petherwin
PL15 9DP

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